jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Alumnas de 5º E trabajando para la feria.

4 comentarios:

  1. First teacher will receive my cordial greetings and good health is in union with his entire family.
    Well this school year I have learned many important things like being able to speak better English and how to say a prescription or as describing a tourist place, well you agradesco much that is supported me learn more every day, you dear teacher garcias I podre speak to any tourist who comes to visit Peru.
    Although sometimes I had trouble understanding a few things a little difficult but gradually I thank you for teaching learning and explain a few things we did not understand.
    Go ahead dear teacher mel God bless you always and always to remember that it is an excellent teacher.


  2. Hello dear teacher ETSIM I thank him for everything he has done for all students who come to school without knowing English, you agradesco to help all teens who do not speak English no matter our color or social status. Always remember her with love and thanks for treating us like children.
    This past year I have left to my sencudaria Temine I learned many new things and gradually began to understand a few things that was difficult for me thank you for your immense support to overcome and move on.
    Since English is an easy course if we do not seek attention and more easily distracted ba we do to understand.
    Dear Professor thank you very much for having taught her wise learning this year is a year of successes and triumphs that we were to go ahead and thank you, life is not difficult ara us when we have to communicate with people who are completely fluent English.
    Thank you very much for everything dear teacher God bless always.


  3. Hello dear teacher greets one of his students loved him more sleepers say it's an excellent teacher that sometimes we deny him but we understand that you know how us girls anxious at this age.
    Good teacher this year me parecio super interesting because they teach us many new things and like being able to relate to some individuals or as well Palab to say in English.
    Although my Hasia me sometimes difficult to pronounce these strange words but with my effort and I could help a little lack of focus does not read well and speak a few words to thank you very much dear teacher:


  4. Hello dear teacher greets one of his students more restless, much garedesco him for his advice because thanks to their advice and their odds I have learned many interesting things this year.
    You are an excellent teacher as training us in the future be able to relate to outsiders.
    This year, me parecio super divine since learned many important things in my life.
    Although sometimes very difficult to me to understand some words but I thank you kerida podidio teacher understand that words I had trouble.
    Well I say goodbye and move on:

